
??0571-82401171 / 18967181785



2018-07-17 11:21


What are the advantages of a steel lining plastic storage tank?
The steel lined plastic storage tank has the advantages of no welded joints, no leakage, no toxicity, anti-aging, impact resistance, corrosion resistance, long life, and meets hygienic standards. Compared with the traditional steel lined plastic plate storage tank, steel lined rubber tank and steel lined fiberglass tank, it has the advantages of better corrosion resistance, no leakage, no peeling, wear resistance, resistance to certain pressure, high temperature and longer life.
What factors should pay attention to the maintenance of the steel lining plastic storage tank?
The repair period of steel liner plastic storage tank is divided into two kinds: medium repair and overhaul, the middle repair is generally 2-4 months, the overhaul is usually one year. For the middle repair, it is the cleaning or replacement of the liquid level meter repair or replacement, the exit and the discharge valve dredging and clearing the cooling water coil. Check and repair the relief valve, release the flame arrester, repair the anticorrosive coating and heat insulation layer. The overhaul includes repairing items in the middle repair items, repairing or replacing cylinder sections for cracks and serious corrosion. According to internal and external inspection requirements, and after repair or replacement of cylinder sections, leak test is carried out to deal with other problems found in successful internal and external inspection.

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