
??0571-82401171 / 18967181785



2022-06-15 11:35












PPH absorption tower steps:

(1) Confirm the planning scheme according to the planning task and process requirements;

(2) According to the requirements of the system and separation, choose the appropriate filler;

(3) confirm the size of the tower, the height of the packing layer and other technological scales (considering the spray density);

(4) check tower height and pressure drop of packing layer;

preventive measure

(1) Scientific material selection, strictly prohibit the selection of non-low-temperature steel at low temperature, choose high corrosion resistance data.

(2) To improve the structural planning, in the process of structural planning, try to choose excessive oil slip to reduce the stress aggregation of members; In the process of equipment operation, frequent alternating load, overtemperature operation and local overheating should be avoided as far as possible, and water stagnation should be prevented. After heat treatment, residual stress can be effectively eliminated.

(3) To strengthen the regular inspection of raw material properties, to metal components or equipment in the environment of the corrosive concentration of the implementation of strict detection, and reduce the effective temperature of the environment medium.

(4) Improve the medium environment, reduce the oxidation cation, increase the appropriate elements to the information guessing, improve the corrosion resistance of the data, choose the surface protection method.

The above introduction of PPH absorber, I hope to help you.

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