
??0571-82401171 / 18967181785



2022-02-15 09:54






The service life of PPH storage tank is longer than that of other storage tanks under the same natural conditions. There are many advantages. Please carefully check the PPH tank before application.

First, the appearance of PPH storage tank shall be inspected before application, and its surface shall be free of cracks, shrinkage cavities, slag inclusion, folding, double skin and other defects. The corrosion depth and mechanical damage depth of depression shall not exceed the negative wall thickness deviation allowed by the corresponding product standards.

Second, the shell test pressure of PPH tank valve must be less than 1.5 times of the nominal pressure, and the test time must be less than 5min. It is qualified if there is no leakage of shell filler. The sealing test is conducted at the nominal pressure and there is no leakage on the valve sealing surface.

Third, for the mechanical equipment transporting toxic liquid, harmful liquid and flammable liquid pipeline gate valve, the working pressure of the design methodology is too greater than 1MPa, and the temperature of the design methodology is less than - 29c or greater than 186c. The working pressure test and sealing test of the shell of the toxic liquid pipeline gate valve are carried out.

Fourth, please observe the protruding surface of the external thread of the PPH storage tank. In addition, the accuracy and surface roughness should meet the design concept or specifications, and there should be commodity discrimination.

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